Groupe BALLET NATIONAL the Burundians Drummers
Ruciteme Karyenda Culture de Buyenzi, founded in 1987, started with 27 members. The members range in age from 8 – 50.
The group performs the Burundian dance which is an old traditional dance and was usually played for Kings. The dance should bring people together and aims to bring happiness and peace into the nation. The group’s aim is to represent the Burundian culture in the national area as well as internationally.
Ruciteme believe that traditional instruments, the Burundian drums, are a tremendous form of communication and a sign of national unity. The group wants to convey a positive message by sustaining the tradition of the community which was broken by the civil war crisis.
Candela Zespół Latynoski powstał w 2011 roku . Gra muzykę latynoską, prezentując wszystkie charakterystyczne rytmy kontynentu amerykańskiego od Kuby, przez Meksyk, Kolumbię, Puerto Rico i Republikę Dominikany, aż po Brazylię i Peru. Dzisiaj w wykonaniu Candeli muzyka peruwiańska.
Folk Dance Ensamble Bzenčan
„Ensemble of songs and dances Bzenčan“ was founded in April 2015. The name is derived from Bzenec which is the residential town of the ensemble. Bzenec is a lovely town with long tradition of wine making. Its characteris being influenced by persisting traditions on one hand, and by current trends on the other – all of these affecting local architecture and way of life.
The ensemble presents folk culture from its homeland and other ethnographical areas of Czech Republic and Slovakia. The repertoire of ensemble consists of dances „sedlcká“ from the area around Bzenec; „verbuňk“ – an improvised men´s solo dance; „danaj“ from Strážnice; „skočná“ from Kyjov; and another specific local dances, for example „šiml and šotyš“. The ensemble cooperates with live tradition music.
Bzenčan has 25 members aged 15 to 30 years. Members of the ensemble perform in costume which is there construction of semi-urban clothing from the late 19th century. The group yearly performs up to 15 programs on various international and local festivals. The leader of the ensemble is Lucie Hacarová.
Folk Dance Ensemble “Dancis”
Folk Dance Ensemble “Dancis” (DANCIS) is one of the oldest, most famous, and mostawarded folk dance ensembles in Latvia.
Established in 1946 by students of University of Latvia, DANCIS stands out with itsprofound history and long-lasting traditions.
Such excellent professionals and ballet artists as Milda Lasmane, Harijs Suna, UldisZagata, Alfreds Spura have been the leaders of DANCIS, leaving behind an enduring heritage thatshaped the ensemble as it is today.
The members of DANCIS are mainly students and graduates of the University of Latvia.There are approximately 100 dancers at the age of 16 to 50. Most of the members have alreadybeen dancing since the age of 3 and later best of them are invited to join DANCIS by the ArtisticDirector. The ensemble has a semi-professional status in Latvia while most of the dancers arestudents.
The repertoire of DANCIS consists of a wide variety of Latvian dances – ethnographic, folkand modern. Playful, rapid Latvian polka type dances interchange with slow, flowing, andceremonial ones. They tell us about traditional family and seasonal celebrations, and let us get asense of Latvian mentality. The majority of the dances created by DANCIS have become animportant part of the repertoire other Latvian folk dance groups, as well as Latvian folk dancefestivals.
DANCIS has a broad variety of Latvian national costumes. In performances more thanfifteen different national costumes from all regions of Latvia are used.
DANCIS has performed in almost all European countries – in various festivals andcompetitions. During more than 70-year existence DANCIS has become a laureate of manyLatvian and international folk dance competitions.
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Folk ensemble Sloboda Rumenka. President of the group is Momir Miskovic
The ensemble is founded in 1980 in Rumenka, near Novi Sad. In the last few years group appeared in festivals Macedonia, Poland, Czech Republic, Turkey, Romania, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Bosnia, Croatia...